Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Windows can be so painful at times

i managed to solve the network issues with the 3.5G connection... but along the way...
i messed up the connectivity for infrared.
Guess it will take forever.

Boost Graph library

Wanna try out the graph library so i happily downloaded the library,
okie -> need boost jam to build
okie -> downloaded boost jam
okie -> build and gotten bjam
okie -> run bjam on boost 1_33
okie -> vc7 needs the include path to compile
okie -> vc7 need the library and path to link
okie -> requires bgl-viz.lib to read graphviz .dot
okie -> does a bjam under boost/libs/graph/built
okie -> vc7 needs to add bgl-viz.lib to the library path
okie -> gotten it compiled.

it is quite abit of effort.
And it took me 2 days.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Python and pspad

Was trying out python.
Too much hype from my colleague, am still trying to figure out tuple, list. dictionary.
Not as great, i need somethings much more simpler... Gosh, am i stupid.

Another thing, was using yapgvb (yet another python graphviz binding) .
Am trying to create the .dot file with the write function,
but it did not managed write correctly to a file(only the last few hundreds of lines)..Sigh.
Phew, it was able to pipe to the standard out. This saves me a lots of work.

It is a really good way to play with python, running with Pspad.

Posted by: vbr Date: 12/07/2006 20:21 IP: IP Logged
Try Settings :: Highlighters settings :: Python :: Compiler Compiler: e.g.: C:\Python25\python.exe
Parameters: "%File%"
[x] Capture program output window
Log parser
*file %F *line %L*
Then you should be able to run *.py files from within PSPad (File :: Compile (Ctrl+F9)).

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Could not start the HIDSERV service

I did not know when the windows registry got modified.
This is hell to troubleshoot. My USB keyboard, mouse and speaker are crazy.

Create Key ServiceDll as a new expandable string
with value %Systemroot%\system32\hidserv.dll

Make sure you have %systemroot%\system32\hidserv.dll

Thanks, things look better now.

Winsock? IP? What is tat?

Signed up 3.5G plan. SLOW.
I had problem with my windows. Cannot connect. This is hell.

Another 3 days of troubleshooting, I found my solution.
reset winxp tcpip, start a command shell, run>cmd
netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt

reset winxp winsock2, start a command shell, run>cmd
netsh winsock reset

Restart the system, if it does not work.

Go to device manager, view>show hidden device, Under Network Adapter> Remove WAN miniport (IP)

Add the WAN miniport(IP) through add/remove hardware, under network adapter> wan miniport

It saves me from reinstalling windows. Phew!


Something upset me badly.

3 weeks of grass growing

Sigh... kind of disappointed with the MMI. Anyway, I am glad I managed to do it. Download. Configure, make, make install(root).

Monday, October 16, 2006

Growing Grass...

I hate Linux... but it is some good stuff... But I wanted instant result.
It happened one day when I am running low on disk space and i need to extend the partition of my virtual machine.
As i am running vmplayer, i need to download the server edition to extract the tools, vmare-vdiskmanager. Damm...
After that, i had problem extending the partiton under Linux. i had my partition configured as LVM. Thanks to system-config-lvm under Fedora core, i managed group the volume. Then i extended it with lvextend. lvdisplay indicated the extra space. But the system does not see the extra space. Sigh. In the end, i found that i had to run ext2Online. Finally, the extra space. It took me 3 days just to make some extra space. Windows had made it so easy with 3rd party software. I am such a Linux idiot.

I can move on to grow my Grass.
Hee, hee I am trying to build gis grass.
Sigh need to download....tc/tk... postgre...gdal....fftw....
then ./configure.... make..... make install
can we have it simpler?

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Google is amazing... I love google map, google docs and spreadsheet. They really opened my eyes. If internet were to go further, We can see winword disappearing like wordperfect used to disappear. Technology.... sigh.

After effects!

I was told years back that after effects is great. I started off with adobe premiere. And After effects seems too much for a simple person like me. And today i had a chance to create a simple project from it... Wow... trying is believing. It is really great for making effects.

Trapcode is a must to go with it. It is wonderful.