Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Windows can be so painful at times

i managed to solve the network issues with the 3.5G connection... but along the way...
i messed up the connectivity for infrared.
Guess it will take forever.

Boost Graph library

Wanna try out the graph library so i happily downloaded the library,
okie -> need boost jam to build
okie -> downloaded boost jam
okie -> build and gotten bjam
okie -> run bjam on boost 1_33
okie -> vc7 needs the include path to compile
okie -> vc7 need the library and path to link
okie -> requires bgl-viz.lib to read graphviz .dot
okie -> does a bjam under boost/libs/graph/built
okie -> vc7 needs to add bgl-viz.lib to the library path
okie -> gotten it compiled.

it is quite abit of effort.
And it took me 2 days.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Python and pspad

Was trying out python.
Too much hype from my colleague, am still trying to figure out tuple, list. dictionary.
Not as great, i need somethings much more simpler... Gosh, am i stupid.

Another thing, was using yapgvb (yet another python graphviz binding) .
Am trying to create the .dot file with the write function,
but it did not managed write correctly to a file(only the last few hundreds of lines)..Sigh.
Phew, it was able to pipe to the standard out. This saves me a lots of work.

It is a really good way to play with python, running with Pspad.

Posted by: vbr Date: 12/07/2006 20:21 IP: IP Logged
Try Settings :: Highlighters settings :: Python :: Compiler Compiler: e.g.: C:\Python25\python.exe
Parameters: "%File%"
[x] Capture program output window
Log parser
*file %F *line %L*
Then you should be able to run *.py files from within PSPad (File :: Compile (Ctrl+F9)).

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Could not start the HIDSERV service

I did not know when the windows registry got modified.
This is hell to troubleshoot. My USB keyboard, mouse and speaker are crazy.

Create Key ServiceDll as a new expandable string
with value %Systemroot%\system32\hidserv.dll

Make sure you have %systemroot%\system32\hidserv.dll

Thanks, things look better now.

Winsock? IP? What is tat?

Signed up 3.5G plan. SLOW.
I had problem with my windows. Cannot connect. This is hell.

Another 3 days of troubleshooting, I found my solution.
reset winxp tcpip, start a command shell, run>cmd
netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt

reset winxp winsock2, start a command shell, run>cmd
netsh winsock reset

Restart the system, if it does not work.

Go to device manager, view>show hidden device, Under Network Adapter> Remove WAN miniport (IP)

Add the WAN miniport(IP) through add/remove hardware, under network adapter> wan miniport

It saves me from reinstalling windows. Phew!


Something upset me badly.

3 weeks of grass growing

Sigh... kind of disappointed with the MMI. Anyway, I am glad I managed to do it. Download. Configure, make, make install(root).