Am starting with C#...
The difficult part of it... it is know what it has...
There are many times.....
When i am done with a module, it is fustrating to realise that C# had library for it.
For example, was doing a tracing class, and afterwards, i start using log4net.
And in the end, c# had it.
There are the dynamicmethod, anonymous class, delegation and it really nice to work in it...
but the template is HARD. Cos' it really limited of my knowledge to work on it.
I am really greedy, i wanna do what i am able to do in c++.
But C# is really a more comfortable to work with. Though i get awkard when there are many things better done in c++. I really love to be lazy. C# has it.
Be it that M is evil, I get what i wanted.
Learning a new language, is like starting a new life...
Holding on to the past does more harm than good.