Monday, October 08, 2007


Work had taken a large part of time. But it does not translate well into knowledge.

I need to thanks to DDA,
"You do not need all the colors to paint a picture."
The best solution is a
1) working solution
2) a simple solution
3) there is always something better

Thanks DDA.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Peer Review(code walkthrough) does not work well for me

1. I do not have enough understanding/appreciate the implemention.
(to have the sort of appreciation, i will be doing it together)
2. It does not leave you to be desirably responsible for the implemention

In conclusion, it becomes another routine to just "walk" through.

Monday, October 01, 2007

try it out...

There are so much to c#. Programming .Net Components by Juval Lowy is really a good book. It really tells you the pitfalls. I feel it is more like advance C#. I love the book. Read it up.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Purify helps to detect memory leaks in applications.....
Was running from the command line interface rather than integrating into the development applications. But it does NOT seems to detect anything.

So scourging the web gives me the answer.
I need Purify to instrument the application in precise mode, for that to happen.
I need the "reloc blah blah data" sigh....
And finally, I need to an additional option /Fixed:No
to Configuration Properties -> Command Line -> Additional options.

another day... had gone by...

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Starting C#

Am starting with C#...
The difficult part of it... it is know what it has...
There are many times.....
When i am done with a module, it is fustrating to realise that C# had library for it.
For example, was doing a tracing class, and afterwards, i start using log4net.
And in the end, c# had it.

There are the dynamicmethod, anonymous class, delegation and it really nice to work in it...
but the template is HARD. Cos' it really limited of my knowledge to work on it.

I am really greedy, i wanna do what i am able to do in c++.
But C# is really a more comfortable to work with. Though i get awkard when there are many things better done in c++. I really love to be lazy. C# has it.

Be it that M is evil, I get what i wanted.
Learning a new language, is like starting a new life...
Holding on to the past does more harm than good.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Software Design?

Plan and design. That's what they always says. I can see I am pretty bad with this. By the time I got things ready, either I lost the interest or it can never be good enough. Do you know how one can be obsessed with good design, things never seems to be done? How much time it can take to perfect it? At the end of the day, you start to ponder if it is really worth all the effort and time.
I guess we still had to strike a balance somewhere. Just somewhere. And is this enough? Sometimes... it is just never enough.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Ruby + Glade

The document for Ruby + Glade looks better than that for Fox. The best part is that you do not need to regenerate the code after any changes is performed for the GUI.

But Glade is ported to so many language, examples can be confusing at times.... Okie Okie... That's applies to me.. Solely me.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Python + Glade

A colleague shows me how easy you can code mmi with python and glade.
Interesting, hmmm... but i need to shelf it at the moment...
XML huh...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ruby + Fox

Guess Python is going through a transistion...

Ruby had a better support for Fox at this point of time...
And this really saves a lot of time...
yup... a simple window running on fox and ruby

Python + FOX = FxPy?

Wanted to download some gui tool kit to play with...
So i decided to get started with Python and FOX.
Sadly, FxPy is no longer maintained.
Ruby had got the latest version. But i dun see myself using Ruby in another 2 years time.
So i google on. And i found TnFox, it provides Python binding.

But somehow there is some hackin to the boost lib.
Again, i spend a few nights trying to figure things out.
building boost.python on windows
1) download boost 1.33 or later
2) download the source ( TnFox\Python\ to overwrite files in boost -check the directories in the package )
3) download the header ( i did not download this, n got hell of a time)
4) download bjam for the compilation

But things are not smooth, i need to rename the JamFile_win32 to jamfile so that bjam get the correct file. And this had me going in circles and circles. How do you configure bjam to use another Jamfile? Sigh! Sleepless nights...

5) I got lots of link errors, hopefully these are the deliberate ones mentions in the guide.
when i m trying to process, i m required to run
but I dun know where to get it.

Hmmm, Okie, i give up.
I will just get the binary and forget the whole thing.

Perhaps i should dive into ruby.