Monday, April 08, 2013

log4cxx debugging

Add debug="true" to enable debugging example: log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j='' debug="true"\

QML extension

1. QML2_IMPORT_PATH is necessary for QML dll
set QML2_IMPORT_PATH=d:\qt\imports

From the QML2_IMPORT_PATH, the uri comes into play
with a uri of qml.test (case sensitive),
the directory structure shall be %QML2_IMPORT_PATH%\qml\test

Under the directory %QML2_IMPORT_PATH%\qml\test,
you shall have qmldir,
where the bare minimum configuration contains
plugin yourDllPluginName

module uri

qmlpluginsdump will
first look at QML2_IMPORT_PATH
then the uri
The following command shall dump some values
qmlpluginsdump qml.test 1.0

Generate qmltypes with qmlpluginsdump
qmlpluginsdump qml.test 1.0 d:\qt\imports\ > d:\qt\imports\qml\test\dllname.qmltypes

6. Append typeinfo logger.qmltypes to qmldir

Title case for module name is a must to work -
Need to use Logger instead of logger for qmlRegisterType(uri, 1, 0, "logger");

Building log4cxx with VS 2010 express

Refers to

In addition, the dsp will not open in 2010, a conversion in 2008 is necessary to upgrade the project!